Game Crash Team Racing CTR Full Version

Minggu, 20 Mei 2012 | 4 komentar

Nah, pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan mencoba share game PS 1, yaitu Game Crash Team Racing atau yang lebih dikenal dengan CTR. Pasti sobat Gespalink udah nggak asing lagi dong dengan game yang satu ini??? Meski udah ketinggalan zaman, ternyata game ini masih enak loh untuk di mainkan. Apalagi kalau sobat Gespalink mainnya di komputer, akan terdapat suasana yang lebih fresh, heheh.

Cara Memainkan Game CTR Di PC/Komputer :
Game Crash Team Racing (CTR) ini ketika sobat MD_Gespalink ingin memainkan nya tidak perlu lagi menggunakan Emulator, karena sudah satu paket dalam file CTR nya, sobat Gespalink hanya perlu Copy-paste file d3dx9_26.dll yang terdapat dalam folder CTR ke C:\WINDOWS aja. Bila sudah klik2x file Crash Team Racing PC Game. (akan tampil layar dos, jadi nggak usah khawatir).

Screen Shot :
Ini ketika kita baru menjalankan CTR nya.

Kalau ini pas mau mulai permainan, disini ni biasanya memasukan cheat nya. Masih ingat nggak sob cheatnya?? Saya bocorin dikit deh. Ni cheat nya : /\ <- /\ -> <- O -> Bawah Bawah. Tebak cheat apa tuh?? heheh

Dan ini untuk tampilan aksi yang di tunggu-tunggu. Heheh

Info File dan Download :
Sebenarnya nggak ada yang istimewa dengan downloadnya, tapi apa salahnya kalau saya perjelas lagi?? hehe
  • Download via Indowebster.
  • Sobat gespalink sorry ya, penjelasan ini ane copy dari web sebelah, tapi tenang... link downloadnya ane yg punya kok, jadi tetep santai ja full version buat agan agan semua..
  • File berukuran 282.44 MB.
  • Sobat Gespalink, jangan lupa komen juga ya.. tinggalin juga di koment nya blog agan, biar ane bisa berkunjung juga...
Bagaiamana?? Berminat untuk bernostalgia??? ini link-nya Cekidotttttt.............!!

Focus Photoeditor 6.3.8 Full Version

Kamis, 17 Mei 2012 | 0 komentar

Fokus Photoeditor adalah  editor foto, yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan dan memperbaiki semua jenis foto digital dan untuk menghasilkan grafis untuk web, rumah dan kantor. Anda dapat memperoleh gambar digital dari file, dari aplikasi lain, atau dengan bantuan scanner atau kamera digital dan mulai bekerja dengan segera. Coba peningkatan fungsi yang berbeda otomatis dan benar foto Anda dalam hitungan detik. Dengan banyaknya kemampuan citra regulasi, yang meningkatkan penampilan gambar, tanpa kehilangan kualitas apa pun, Fokus dapat digunakan sebagai alat yang kuat dan profesional oleh fotografer pemula dan lanjutan.

Screenshot :

Download :

Wondershare Video Editor 3.00 Full Patch

Sabtu, 12 Mei 2012 | 0 komentar

Hai, Buat kalian Sobat Gespalink semua, kali ini saya nge-shared dari Mas Bagas, kalian bisa liat aslinya posting ini,linknya ada di  bawah, kali ini kita ngebahas Wondershare Video Editor 3.0, Wondershare Video Editor 3.0 adalah sebuah software Video editor yang bagus dan mudah digunakan. Bagi sobat yang sangat menyukai bidang multimedia , software ini tentunya harus dicoba. Dengan software ini , sobat yang sudah mahir atau pun masih awam bisa menggunakannya apalagi sudah disediakan tutor yang mudah dimengerti serta sizenya yang kecil dibanding software video Editor yang lainnya seperti Ulead dan Sony Vegas. Ups, tidak hanya mampu mengedit Video saja loohh.. Wondershare Video Editor 3.0 ini juga dapat mengedit gambar dan Audio . Jadi , software ini juga bisa disebut Editor MultiFungsi .

ScreenShot :

Cara Install :
  • Install Wondershare Video Editor 3.0 Secara Offline hingga selesai patching.
  • Jika sudah selesai diinstall, jangan centang Launch Wondershare Video Editor Now !
  • Copy Patch.exe ke C / Program Files / Wondershare / Video Editor / Paste
  • Run Patch.exe As Administrator dan Apply patch.
  • Buka Video Editor.exe dan register dengan serial yang sudah disertakan dalam paduan instalasi.
  • Enjoy !!
Link Download :

Sumber :

StarCraft Full Version

| 1 komentar

The box art of StarCraft. 
Hai Sobat MDGespalink, Tau kan Games yang satu ini..?? StarCraft adalah sebuah permainan strategi dengan waktu nyata yang dibuat oleh Blizzard Entertainment dan merupakan produk pertama dari serial StarCraft. Permainan ini dirilis untuk Microsoft Windows pada tahun 1998. Cerita utamanya tentang perang antara tiga spesies galaksi : Terran, yang beradaptasi dan berpindah-pindah, yang merupakan keturunan dari manusia yang terbuang dari Bumi; Zerg, alien dengan penampilan mayoritas seperti serangga; dan Protoss, pejuang humanoid yang memiliki teknologi paling tinggi dibandingkan kedua kaum lainnya.


StarCraft via Indowebster
StarCraft Full Version

Cara Install

1. Jalankan dahulu setup.exe yang bergambar icon 1911
2. Lalu jalankan Starcraft.exe, Selamat bermain !

Cara membuat artikel terkait atau Related Post di Blogger

Senin, 07 Mei 2012 | 0 komentar

Kali ini saya saya akan menulis mengenai tips blogger,cara membuat artikel terkait atau related post di blog. Artikel ini saya tujukan untuk berbagi info dan ilmu bagaimana membuat blog yang bagus meskipun blog nya gratisan,seperti punya saya ini.

Selain itu,saya membuat artikel ini agar saya tidak lupa dalam membuat artikel terkait atau related post di blog karena saya termasuk orang yang pelupa maka saya akan menuliskannya di blog ini.

Saya akan memberikan dulu screenshot dari yang saya maksud dengan artikel terkait,berikut gambarnya :

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War Of The Ring Full Version

Sabtu, 05 Mei 2012 | 0 komentar

Hai sob, tau gak The Lord Of The Ring..? pastinya sudah pada tau ea... hahahaha nah kali ini, saya punya games nya.. seperti biasa gan FULL VERSION.. jadi gak perlu takut Trial... hahaha pernah gondok kan gara-gara downlooot yang Trial, karena asikk jadi pingin yg Full version.... nah ini dia ni ane kasih dah Gratiis buat agan pecinta Games..... 

mau liat screenshot-nya :
Menurut Saya ni gan liat gambarnya aja udah asiik, apa lagi kalo main.... langsung aja deh Downloooott : Ini Link-nya : 
  1.     War Of The Ring Full Version Part 1
  2.     War Of The Ring Full Version Part 2
  3.     War Of The Ring Full Version Part 3
  4.     War Of The Ring Full Version Part 4
  5.     War Of The Ring Full Version Part 5
  •     Mediafire Password : ripgamescenter
  •     Unrar Password :

Windows 98/2000/ME/XP
Pentium III or AMD Athlon 800MHz Processor
2GB Hard Disk Space
32MB AGP DirectX Compatible Video Card
DirectX Compatible Sound Card
DirectX 9
Selamat Maen Gannnn............!!

Caesar III Full Version

| 1 komentar

Caesar III Full Version Games Free Download - Caesar 3 game, a 2D game is quite entertaining and intriguing for those who play it. Different from the game that I discussed earlier the Army Men RTS, the game section 3 we shall be able to set the strategy in order to build a capital city that has been provided. Although this pc game including long game, but rather also for leisure.
Well further to section 3 of this game, you have to make the city following a facility that is accessible to everyone, such as Farms should have easy access to the Housing (for workers), Granary, Market or Warehouse.

Essential supplies in the city are water supply, you must ensure that every house and establishment in your town has good access to clear water.

Then There are many companies that need to be considered as a hospital or health clinic for the citizens.

Engineer and posting Prefecture is also important for maintenance of infrastructure and security areas, which include fire and crime, respectively. You also need a place of entertainment to brighten the mood of your citizens.

Finally, do not forget to build a temple to the god or you will suffer their wrath by destroying your crops, sending barbarians to destroy your city and other disasters can god make it.

Caesar III

Emperor is a common title for the ruler of an empire so that the area under their control may be cited as the empire.

This word comes from the Greek emperors, widely used in German, Kaiser. Indonesian authorities used it as a form of imperial monarchy, although the empire did not have to be led by a king (monarch), such as the Soviet Union, and also does not have an empire led by one with the title "emperor" (eg the British Empire).

Form a parallel in the Russian language is the tsar (derived from the same root). The first person who used it was the first Roman emperor, Julius Caesar (caesar is the Latin version of "emperor"), but not as a title.

After Julius Caesar, the Roman emperors to use his last name as their title, although the title of emperor of Rome (Latin: imperator) is first given to Augustus.

In general, in charge of many emperors and kings conquered ethnic groups under its control. Examples of Empire was the Holy Roman Empire and the Austrian Empire.

Equivalent degrees in East Asia (Huangdi or Tenno) derived from different sources with the Roman empire, but in the Indonesian language used the same term, the "emperor", such as the Japanese Empire and Imperial China.

At present only the authorities in Japan are always referred to using the title "emperor", Emperor Akihito with a crowned empress Michiko began in 1989 with the name of the Heisei era.
In the past, the name of Emperor Hirohito was the emperor who ruled from 1926 to 1988 with the name of the Showa era.
Minimum System Requirements
PC Version
  • Pentium-90
  • Windows 95
  • 16 MB RAM
  • 4X CD-ROM
  • SVGA with 1MB of memory
  • mouse
  • sound board
Macintosh Version
  • 601 PowerPC at 100 MHz
  • OS 7.6.1 or higher
  • 32 MB RAM
  • 4x CD-ROM drive
  • 150 MB hard disk space
  • SVGA monitor capable of 16-bit colour
DownloooT Aje Gan :

Age Of Empire III The WarChief Full Version

| 3 komentar

Free Download Stategy Games Age Of Empire III The WarChief is the latest expansion pack for the best-selling real-time strategy game (RTS) in 2005: "Age of Empires III from the studio esemble and Microsoft game studios.

The WarChiefs lets players of all ages and types in the history of American warfare.

This time gamers will engage in epic warfare in the Americas where they will lead native American civilizations (Sioux, Iriquois and Aztecs) to expand their empire and fight for control of the Americas.

System Requirements

* Requires Age of Empires III to play
* Microsoft® Windows® XP or higher
* PC with 1.4 GHz equivalent or higher processor
* 256 MB of system RAM
* 2 GB available hard disk space
* 32x speed or faster CD-ROM drive
* 64 MB video card with support for hardware transformation and lighting required
* DirectX 9.0 or later
* 56K dial-up Internet Access or LAN required for online/multiplayer
* Sound card, speakers or headphones required for audio
* Microsoft Mouse or compatible pointing device

Download, Cekidot lah :

WarChess 3D Full Version

| 0 komentar

War chess 3D : Want to play chess in real ?, let you download games on this one, WarChess bernuasa a chess game in real warfare, in this game there are characters such as: magic dwarves, elves, Goblins, and creatures - other strange creatures. Manage your chess playing strategy, with a 3D environment, like the barren sand, ancient temple ruins, and many others are real and 3D mystical and mysterious.

Features - feature in this game:

1. 4 gameplay modes.
2. 10 levels of difficulty.
3. 3D graphics.

War Chess
WarChess is the world of chess brought to life in full 3d with imaginary chess pieces. This is a world full of dangers, where two fantasy hosts battle for triumph and glory using magic and weapons.

Not only are there humans in this world but also dwarfs, elves and other fantastic creatures. You must lead your army to victory and defeat your opponent on the battlefield of chess. Your path will follow through many locations, such as distant deserts, ruins of old temples and many other mysterious places. With this said, have fun...

Main Game

In the Main window you will see the 3D view of the chess board and characters along with a smaller top-down mini-chessboard. You can move your pieces in either the 3D or mini-chessboard view (see below).

To move the camera on the 3D chessboard, press and hold the left mouse button and drag it left, right, up or down. Horizontal mouse movement pans the camera around the vertical axIs, which is located in the center of the 3D chessboard.

Vertical mouse movement pans the camera up and down, so you can look up and down.

You may also pan the camera by using the cursor keys. You can zoom in and zoom out this view with the Page Up and Page Dn buttons or with the + or - buttons. If your mouse has a wheel you can zoom in and out with this.

Movements And Capturing

To move on the main 3D chessboard select your piece by clicking on it with the left mouse button. The piece will now be highlighted with a purple rotating spiral and all possible moves will also be shown in purple. Note that only legal moves will be available, for example you cannot move into check.

Next select the position you wish to move to by clicking on the square using the right mouse button. The piece will now move to the new position. If your opponent has a figure in that square, your piece will attack it.

You can skip the animated move sequences by pressing the Space bar. If you are playing in Single Player mode, the computer will now take its move and so on. You can also move pieces directly on the mini-board by dragging and dropping the piece you want to move.

Here are some key features of "WarChess":

  • Change the Difficulty setting at any time with the Difficulty slider. This takes effect immediately so if you feel the game is too hard or too easy you can change this straight away.
  • The Fast movement checkbox makes the animation faster. You can also skip animations as they happen with the Space key
  • Show board. This checkbox allows you to show or hide the mini-Chessboard window.
  • Show captured. This checkbox allows you to show or hide the Captured window.
  • Show game status. This checkbox allows you to show or hide the Game Status window.
  • Gamma. As in main options this slider controls the overall brightness of the screen.
  • Sound. Allows you to control overall volume of all SFX.
  • Music. This slider controls the CD audio volume.
  • Save Game. This option saves the current game (to the industry standard PGN file format), so you may continue to play the game later. You can’t save in network game or in automatic battle mode. Note that you can’t save the game right after starting; you need to make a move first.
  • Load Game. Loads previously saved game.
  • Main Menu. This option returns you (after confirmation) to the Main Menu.
  • Continue. This exits from the Options menu and continues the game.
System Requirements :

OS: Windows 2000/XP/VISTA
CPU: 600MHz or faster Processor
RAM: 128 MB

Download  : WarChess_3D Full version

Army Men RTS Full Version

| 0 komentar

Army Men RTS
Army Men RTS Free Download PC Games Full Version - army men game is a series game. This is a strategy game real time. Game includes 15 campaign missions, 8 "mission for special operations" missions and 8 "big fight".

Game revolves around collecting resources (Plastic and electricity) and use them to build structures and soldiers, while fighting against tons. Each structure / soldier requires few resources.

This game is based more on "Apocalypse Now", the movie, as a player to follow the mad colonel. This is the last released by 3DO in this series.

Army Men RTS brings your fantasy fights between plastic army men for life (well, kind of) in a real solid strategy game.

Your job is to lead Sarge and his band of bazooka, Grenadiers, machine gunners, flame throwers, and plastic military vehicles in a campaign to defeat the evil Tan army.

Army Men RTS
As with most RTS games, you build a base, but instead of mining resources that you use the truck for plastic flow and power of objects to create man and then build an army fit to defeat the rebels.

Army Men RTS Reviews

Military Men: RTS requires two sources for the acquisition and control system; plastic and electricity, the need for combat units and buildings. Plastic, which is required for all standard units made from everyday objects such as Frisbees, dog bowls and toys.

In fact, when one unit or structure is destroyed, a block of plastic worth the initial cost breakdown show where it had been destroyed.

Plastic truck 'Harvest' unloading. Electric, for vehicles and radio equipment operators, electrical goods taken, such as batteries, walkie-talkies, and toasters. A special structure, depot resources will be developed to raise funds derived from the Trucks column.

Players can use their resources to build buildings and units. Since both parties have access to the same unit and additional buildings that do not have a natural advantage in comparison with others. Several new units to build buildings, while others provide a defense policy.

Plants can be improved to produce one unit. O infantry or vehicle unit. Cheaper to ask, but difficult for infantry and vehicles tend to be expensive. Among the passive vehicles (trucks and bulldozers to develop policy) aggressive (tanks and tracks 1/2) to defend themselves (leaf mining) Dum-dum, a robot armed with fireworks).

In addition to the grunts and grenadiers, infantry units have a special responsibility, clearing mines clear of the trap, authorities sniper anti-infantry unit, and man is able to produce mortar building in the distance.

Due to the nature of each unit, the player must be able to resist this face. Couch with a group of shooters can easily remove the growl, but the same group sniper will not be able to do anything in the middle of the track.

Address some of the songs that would solve their inability to train. Players must balance the strengths and weaknesses of teams and team members in the unit production cost.

On the ground floor can be changed by other factors. The fire, which can increase the speed, health, or damage which is located on both sides of the first, create a space between them.

Hero, a powerful version of the infantry often, can cause serious damage before the damage. Insects, especially ants, which act as independent units for each side associated with them. Additional purpose of the single player missions are often one of these things.

Army Men RTS Trailer :
Minimum System Requirements: 
  • CPU: Pentium 233 MHz CPU: Pentium II 400 MHz recommended
  • RAM: 64MB RAM RAM: 96MB RAM recommended
  • VGA: DirectX 8.0 compatible video card with at least 16MB VRAM
  • VGA: DirectX 8.0 compatible video card with at least 32MB VRAM
  • DX: DirectX 8.0 DX: DirectX 8.0
  • OS: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP OS: Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP
  • HDD: 300 MB free hard disk space
  • HDD: 300 MB free hard disk space
  • Sound: DirectX 8.0 compatible sound card
To Download This Games Click Below :
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